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The 22-year-old middleweight, who has a National Championship and seven International titles to his name, trains out of the new Peacock Gym in Epping, to where he commutes from his home town of Luton.

“I’ve got my licence and I have signed with Martin (Peacock chief, Bowers) and now I am signed with Queensberry and Frank,” reported King. “It is a great way to start my pro career, 100%, and I am looking forward to the debut.

“I had a good amateur career and it has been a bit of a wait. It took a while to get my licence and it is a long process. I have been in transition for about nine months, developing a pro style and this is a good bit of news to have now to get me fired up again.

“I had 57 fights as an amateur (winning 49), I boxed for England from the age of 15 and I have boxed all over in loads of different countries,” added King, who went on to list his attributes as a fighter.

“I hit hard! That is the main thing. I stayed out in America last year for about four months and developed that sort of inside style, close-range boxing, and I am trying to learn all different styles now and learn off everyone.

“The one thing I would say though is that I hit hard, I am a banger, who got quite a lot of stoppages in the amateurs and I knock people out.”

Promoter Frank Warren added: “I am delighted to add young Sam to our middleweight ranks and he is clearly a top prospect with considerable promise.

“We know from working with our friends and colleagues at the Peacock Gym over many years that the young fighters they bring us will have both the talent and application to succeed and Sam has got a big future in front of him.

“He also benefits from working with our British champion Denzel Bentley on a daily basis and I am sure it won’t be long before they are both featuring on the same card.”

  • WINS




  • DRAW


  • kOs



    169 lbs
    (76,7 Kg)





  • Trainer


  • Born

    19 January 2001

  • Born in

    Luton, UK

  • nation


  • residence

    Luton, UK

  • KO Percentage


  • Stance


  • Rounds


  • Debut

    6 October 2023

Fighting History


6 round pts

Remi Scholer

York Hall, London, UK

7 Mar 2025


4 round pts

Dmitri Protkunas

York Hall, London, UK

18 oct 2024


4 round pts

Artjom Spatar

York Hall, London, UK

20 apr 2024


3 round tko

Bartosz Glowacki

Copper Box Arena, London, UK

10 feb 2024


4 round pts

Dwain Grant

York Hall, London, UK

6 Oct 2023